Thursday, November 26, 2020

my cool coloring picture.

hi my name is harmony i am in room 3 and this is what we did for cyber smart,this is a picture that i colored on the ako hiko website,i really like this photo because its filled with nice bright colors its really just a muck around coloring picture but yea if you have any question please ask me in the comments in am more than happy to answer them?...

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

My Totally Real Picture From When I went To Africa To Visit The Animals

Hi my name is harmony and on thursday for cyber smart  we learned how to do fake media, i just made this photo and its fake obviously but this is what fake media is about basically you just choose a picture that you like online for your back round then pick or take a photo with your self in and put it anywhere you like on the photo that you had just got from for your back round.